Not just a House, but a Home
Teneil and many helping hands from local villagers and friends built a home for a special little girl named Patricia, and her family.
A lot of thought and effort went into this project. From the brick patio walkways, hand made gutters and furniture, and hand painted details in Patricia's room, to name a few.....they built a home with lots of love!
A special Thank You to Tee Alan Gee for creating this beautiful video of the project from start to finish.
A School Campus
Are you ready for an amazing reveal??? Check out the photos below of the school campus project progress. God provided, guided, and fulfilled this project! We are so excited to see ALL He has planned for this special place....just look what God is doing!!!
(Click on arrow on right or left of photo collage to see more photos.)
This is an ongoing project, as a working school Teneil will need continued support to provide supplies, upkeep, and funding! If you would like to support Teneil's work in Malawi please visit the DONATE page to contribute. Living Out Loud, Inc is grateful for your support and prayers, Thank you for being a part of this ministry and impacting lives with the Love of Jesus!!

A Bright Start...
A few success stories of students that have been encouraged and supported by Living Out Loud...
Spencer has graduated from Vet Tech School!!! He received donations for his exams and graduation fees (cost is about the same as a whole semester of classes) and he is now a licensed Veterinarian!!
The young boys came to find Teneil to make good on her promise of gifts, if they placed top of their class....this encouragement got them working hard and placed them #2 and #3!!
1 Thessalonians 5:11
Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up!

Teneil also helped to provide several prosthetic limbs for those in need in her area. She partnered with a Scottish based charity in Muzuzu, Malawi called 500 MILES CLINIC to have the limbs made and fitted.
The provision of a new limb can provide so much confidence and opportunity to someones life.The video of Peter walking on his new leg, shows how life changing this can be for a man in the village!
Click the photo below of Teneil and the 500 MILES CLINIC STAFF to visit their website and find out more about what they are doing.