Are you gifted in organizing events? Love to get people together for a good cause? Plan a fundraiser to raise money for a specific project that Teneil is working on, or just for the Ministry in general.
Contact us and let us know you are organizing an event and we will do what we can to help, and let you know how to get the donations directly to Teneil after the event.
Got a great idea of how you can help the ministry? We are open to others talents and ideas! Email us and let us know how you can help!
Want to send a care package to Teneil in Malawi with much needed, helpful supplies?
Click the heart-hands link on this page to find out ways you can donate, send packages, and email Living Out Loud directly.
Visit our Donate page here on the website to support the projects Teneil is doing in Malawi. Teneil will follow up, on her Facebook page, with an update on each project so you can see how your donation has directly helped improve someones life.
Like, Comment, and Share posts from Teneil's media pages like Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, and her Blog to help others find out about what she is doing and how they can help.
Please keep an eye on this section for information on upcoming events and fundraisers to support the Living Out Loud, Inc Ministry.
Give $2
$2 Dollar Donations!!
Join in on the $2 donations, if we each put in a little drop we can achieve great things together! Click the button below or on the home screen to donate. Lets build safe roads to connect our Malawian friends to the things the need.

Did you know?? You can support Living Out Loud just by shopping on AMAZON! It is super simple! Click the Smile Link below or go to your Amazon account and choose Living Out Loud, Inc (based out of Craig Colorado) in the AMAZONSMILE program and then SHOP! Teneil will receive a donation from Amazon for every qualifying purchase you make, every time you shop!